The design of facilities for more autonomy:
– SOS SOiL designs self powered solar barns to produce high quality dry hay with top quality nutritional facts for cattle in regions with high rain season.
Diversified productions for niche market as complementary revenu :
– Legumes, intercropped in a cereal field, to produce vegetable or biomass.
– Mushroom, to boost the crops and produce high valued fresh crops or dry.
– Plants for each type of non cultivated land : edges, eroded banks, each poor land can welcome a pioneer plant with essential oil, fruit trees and other high valued specialty crops (capers, pistacho, sea buskthorn, etc.)
Design of value added product, with easy and not too demanding process to reach diversified markets
– Food Design : specialties.
– Basic cosmetics & soaps;
– Health supplements, medicinal tincture, plant therapy or first aid kit for the animals, and people on the farm; production contracts with medical plant laboratory;
Value of agricultural waste and pollutions :
– implement biodigestors to produce compost, methane to heat or bio-ethanol
– Turn ponds and reservoir into micro algae production for biodiesel, biomass, fertilizer or food complement.
– Depollute a lake of invading toxic microalgae with a sustainable fish farm.
Value of an agricultural land by developing as well a true wildlife capital, to sustain side activities such as tourism, wildlife observation or hunting.